We will have random pictures and posts on this page throughout the year. 


May 16, 2023


Colton approves of the new bee yard expansion!  We have added 9 new hives so far this year and since we are in the swarming season, there will probably be more coming soon!






April 4, 2022


Our bees had it rough this winter.  We ended up losing 4 colonies total.  This was by far the worst winter we have had since starting our beekeeping adventure 7 years ago.  But we are back at it working hard.  Here we are working the hives and adding new hives for 2022.







All posts from 2021


Here is Colton using the new extractor.  He caught on rather quickly!





Here is Colton standing in front of the Yellow hive just after we put honey supers on in early spring of 2021.






This picture was taken in early spring 2021.